Oh my lord… I have killed the rabbit! The potentially prize winning show rabbit.
Let me back this story up for y’all-
When our Sweet Girl was in high school she was involved in everything…EVERYTHING! I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before… if there was a club, a team, or any other type of extracurricular activity that a student could get signed up for, she was the first in line to add her name to the roster. This girl wore us out!! Each Sunday she would hand us a calendar of her “events and practices” for the upcoming week. We would look at the neatly written list and sigh. She would pat us on the back and say “We got this mom and dad”! Cowboy and I would tear the list in half and divide and conquer all of her “obligations”.
And fyi…her organization skills have only improved as she has become the beautiful adult that she is. Bless her heart.
As much as I hate to say it, when the day came for Sweet Girl to begin driving, we secretively did cartwheels and back handsprings as we thought of our upcoming freedom.
Now can you just imagine Cowboy landing a back handspring in his perfectly fitting wranglers AND with his cowboy hat still on his head? The judges have weighed in…10!! He nailed it! I nearly pee’d on myself with that image running around in my head. Haha!
We weren’t jumping for joy because we wanted to rush Sweet Girl into adulthood by way of driving. But you all know as parents that sometimes our kids activities are a bit much and the struggle is real. God knows I would give anything to have that sweet face back at home bossing everyone around. BUT with all of that being said, when she began to drive it was as if a sign dropped down from heaven above with blinking lights that read: “Your life will soon become your own once again”. And then another sign dropped down to read: “Just kidding, you’re a parent and you still have Boy Wonder”..
Back to the rabbit that’s in rabbit heaven-
Sweet Girl wanted to try the 4H program while she was in high school. Really? Raising and showing a rabbit? Lord I hope Cowboy is better at raising things than I am. I am very, very limited to what I can raise. Monkey grass and kids. That pretty much does it for me. So off we go to buy a rabbit, a cage, food etc. Since we lived in town, we would keep the rabbit on the back porch.
One very, very hot summer day I decided to help Cowboy out with his chores. I was going to surprise him. He loves my surprises. He never knows what I’m going to throw his way. I remember one time he told me that my surprises cost him money and time…what is that all about? I know he didn’t really mean it.
I was going to surprise him with having the backyard mowed and the porch washed down. I wanted him to come home from work and just relax. I know, I’m such a good wife. So I rolled up my sleeves and began to work. I cleared the porch of all of the furniture and temporarily put the rabbit cage (with the rabbit still in it) on the trampoline..temporarily. As I was working, my phone rang so I ran inside to answer it. It was my mom. As I was talking to her I glanced at the clock and realized I had a meeting in an hour.
to be continued next Sunday y’all- Tammy