Have ya ever bought something that you are SUPER excited about but thought that maybe your hubby would need a little convincing to share in your excitement? Yeah, I get it… happens to me all of the time.
Sooo… we’re in Las Vegas at the NFR and I’m walking out of the “Cowboy Christmas” convention center to meet up with Cowboy. He’s looking me up and down. My mind immediately goes to the gutter but I quickly right myself and walk towards him with a big smile on my innocent face. As I approach him he starts shaking his head.
COWBOY: I know you didn’t walk out of there with those few of bags. Where’s the rest of it?
ME: (Looking guilty) Umm… what do you mean?
COWBOY: I know you. You go in a store for one thing and next thing I know, we’re renting a uhaul.
ME: (Trying to muster up my most innocent face) Well… I may have bought some cactus.
COWBOY: You came to Vegas to buy a cactus?
ME: (Rocking on the balls of my feet) It’s not cactus that you plant.
COWBOY: What kind is it?
ME: Well, they’re beautiful and they’re a welded piece of art and they’ll last forever.
COWBOY: (Taking his cowboy hat off to scratch his head) You keep saying “they”,
ME: Yes, that’s usually the word chosen when you speak of a quantity of items.
COWBOY: Tammy, how big are these cactus?
ME: Only 7 feet tall. And I bought two.
COWBOY: You bought two? You bought two cactus in Las Vegas to be shipped to Texas?
ME: We’ve already covered that there are 2 cactus and both cactus are being shipped to our house in Texas.
COWBOY: And they are both 7 feet tall.?
ME: Yes, again, “they” are 7 feet tall.
COWBOY: And how are you going to install these cactus?
ME: Well… that’s where you come in.
COWBOY: What’s that supposed to mean?
ME: (Speaking in a sexy voice hoping it will entice him to help) The cactus have to be bolted to a cement block because they’re ginormous.
COWBOY: Umm humm. Where do we have a cement block?
ME: We’ll have the cement blocks on each side of the entrance. After you pour them.
COWBOY: So let me get this straight. YOU decided that WE need cactus (plural) at our entrance. And I’m the one that has to pour the concrete block and assemble the cactus (plural)?
ME: Yes, and I’m the one that shopped for them and paid for them. So I think that makes us even.
COWBOY: And when you say that YOU paid for them did you charge them to my credit card by chance?
ME: That is totally besides the point. We’re a team…remember?
COWBOY: I think we need to revisit our “team” duties.
ME: I think our team is working quite perfectly.
’til next Sunday y’all-
Merry Christmas🎄
xo, Tammy💋