So here’s part 2 of this comedy and believe me folks…you can’t make this stuff up!
As I mentioned in Part 1, when our Sweet Girl was in high school she decided to add the 4h Club to her extracurricular arsenal. It’s her spirit of never being afraid to dip her toe into something new that makes our girl so fun-loving and fills her calendar up faster than I can burn a piece of toast.
So rabbit raising here we come!
Let me just go ahead and list my concerns about this whole 4H thing: The first thing would be me wrapping my head around her raising a pet project with her active schedule. She’s hardly at home. Second is keeping the darn thing alive with my help. Is this the part where I should refuse to participate for the health of the furry bunny?!
As I mentioned last Sunday, I wanted to surprise Cowboy by doing one of his chores from his endless list. I rolled my sleeves up, moved the rabbit cage to the trampoline (temporarily) and started to wash off the back porch. Did I mention it was hot and humid? Very hot and humid! Anyhoo, as I went inside to answer the phone I realized that I was going to be late to a meeting. I hurriedly showered, dressed and out the door I went. As I was driving home several hours later I was thinking I have just enough time to finish mowing before Cowboy came home. I changed and got to work. Sweet Jesus it’s hot out here!! By the time I get finished I’ll be a melted puddle of cheetah print sweat.
Proudly, I was looking at my handy work…yard was finished, patio cleaned and now I just need to move the rabbit cage back to its spot on the porch. As I’m walking towards the trampoline I begin to think that the rabbit must be napping. I’ve never seen a rabbit lie on its back quite like that.
Please Jesus, please make that rabbit start hopping again. I promise to never make fun of Cowboy again. Sweet lord, come on little bunny, you can do it.
OH MY LORD… I’ve killed it! That rabbit is deader than the plant I bought last week!!
I Immediately call Cowboy-
ME: Cowboy, you’ve got to come home, I think I killed Sweet Girl’s rabbit!
COWBOY: How did you do that?
ME: I may have forgotten it on the trampoline while I was trying to surprise you with mowing the yard.
COWBOY: You’re kiddin me?! How did the rabbit get on the trampoline? It must have been 120 degrees on that thing!
ME: The “how” is not important. Can you please come home?
COWBOY: What am I supposed to do with it when I get there?
ME: I don’t know, give it CPR? But I’m pretty sure it’s dead. Can you just stop and buy her another one?
COWBOY: (chuckling) It doesn’t work like that. She has to raise it as her project all year. And that was going to be one helluva rabbit to for her to show.
ME: So, what ARE YOU going to do?
COWBOY: (chuckling) I’m not doing anything. This is all you! You’re going to tell her what you did.
Later that evening when Sweet Girl comes home from school:
SWEET GIRL: I’m going to put my stuff up and then feed my rabbit.
ME: Umm, about that… Your rabbit is dead. It was left out on the trampoline today and it may have gotten overheated. And it’s your dad’s fault.
SWEET GIRL: (Looking at her dad with a tear in her eye) Wait, what? It’s dead? You killed my project? How am I supposed to pass 4H?
COWBOY: Whoa, let’s just back up a minute. Do you honestly think that I would put a rabbit on a trampoline in 100 degree weather?
SWEET GIRL: (Jerking her head to look at me) Thanks mom! Thanks for making me flunk out of 4H!
BOY WONDER: (speaking to Sweet Girl and laughing) Guess what we’re having for dinner tonight? RABBIT STEW!!
Boy how I love my family…’Til next Sunday y’all- Tammy