Ok I’ll admit it, sometimes I take pleasure in pestering a “certain person”. I just can’t help myself. Maybe it’s a leftover urge from my teen years. Did I ever tell you about how much my brothers would torture me when I was younger? They would annoy the heck out of me! Back when our family of seven were all under the same roof, I always felt the need to be armed and ready (locked and loaded) at a moments notice. I think that’s when I perfected my “shoe chunkin” technique. One of my brothers, I’m not naming names…Lewis, would hide under my bed at night and grab my ankles when I walked past it. It would scare the living daylights out of me!
Speaking of those dudes.. I don’t tell them often enough how much I love them. So…if any of you 3 pests are reading this…each of you are my favorite sibling AND if my sister is reading this…you’re my favorite sibling too! It’s amazing to me that ALL four of them are ok with me being the favorite child. They are such a selfless group of siblings and they make my heart smile. Way to go mom and dad for teaching them to see the upside of everything.
Back to the story…
Have you ever wanted to intentionally pester someone? That person that is so “pesterable”? Is that even a word? Everyone has that one person that you would go out of their way to annoy. That person for me is guess who? Yep, Cowboy! Sometimes it makes me slap happy to pester that dude.
For instance… I know that Cowboy likes for his closet to be “in order” and organized. Sometimes I might “accidentally” move his socks to another drawer. Or, maybe I’ll finish his favorite drink and put it back as if there is some left. Lately my favorite thing to do to him is to walk in front of him while he’s changing the tv channels.
COWBOY: Why do you do that?
ME: (Acting innocent) Do what?
COWBOY: You know exactly what you did.
ME: (Walking slowly in front of him, on my way to the kitchen) Humm, not quite sure what you’re referring to. I’m been craving some of your mom’s apple pie that she brought over a couple of days ago, would you like some?
COWBOY: (chuckling) No, I’m good but thank ya.
I grab me a bowl and a spoon (this is Texas y’all, you can’t eat apple pie without a scoop of Bluebell icecream), I take the foil off of the pie and realize that all of the pie is gone! Not…EVEN…A…CRUMB!
COWBOY: (Laughing louder) How’s it feel?
’til next Sunday y’all- Tammy