In my last newsletter I touched on the fact that a good skincare routine must be customized for YOUR SKIN only.
There are very few women who have great skin genetically. For the rest of us it’s all about our skincare routine. Not every product is right for every person and for that matter neither are the skin treatments. We all have different skin types and we all have varying budgets that we can and want to spend on our skin. And the most important thing we can do is invest in the time to bring our skin to its healthiest state.
When I was a teenager I had terrible skin and out of control hair (we’ll cover the hair part in another newsletter). As a teenager I had no idea what to do and a lot of my skin issues I blame on my skincare routine or lack of one. I suffered from large pores, blackheads and pimples. It was then that I decided to do my research and educate myself. I needed answers to my many questions. Why weren’t the products helping my skin? I read the advertisements, bought the products that the magazine recommended and I still suffered from terrible skin! The products that I thought would help only made things worse. This is when my quest for skin knowledge began. I bought every product I could get my hands on with the money I had made babysitting. Cleanser, scrubs, lotions and potions. I learned every ingredient and what it’s purpose was.
Years later I began my career in the aesthetic industry and have loved every minute of it; working with companies with a “hands on” approach to test their products, creating treatment protocols and testing each of them on myself. I tell people everyday that if it’s on my menu, then I’ve tried it!
Today as a 50 year old, I know that my products and what I do with them are so important! My skin does not need the same regimen that my 27 year old daughter or even my 40 year old friends need.
Products need to be result driven or they are a waste of time and money.
If you purchase a product and you do not see results within 1 month of using it consistently, then that is not the product for you. Our skin has a healing cycle of 30 days. It sheds it’s dead cells and looks for a path to become healthier. As we age, our cells-shedding process slows down and needs guidance on how to react. Skincare treatments also help by accelerating results! That is why it is so important to choose the correct products and treatment.
You control what goes into your body.
Listen, I love my desserts and I refuse to give them up but I’ve learned that eating them in moderation makes me feel and look healthier. I have never been one to follow a diet, so it is pointless for me to even try. What has worked for me is to create better eating choices.
If I know that the apple pie on the counter will be calling my name after dinner then I’ll pass on the bread at dinner time. Or if I plan on meeting girlfriends for lunch in Austin (which is the city of delicious food) then I’ll choose a protein shake for breakfast. Also my drink of choice when at home is water with lemon. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is lose inches when you cut out sodas and sweet tea! YOU CONTROL WHAT GOES INTO YOUR BODY.
I truly believe that if you focus on helping your skin become healthy and stay consistant with the process then you will “love the skin you’re in”.- Tammy