One thing that’s for sure in the Gilbert family is that we share with one another. We share memories, thoughts, feelings and things. There are some THINGS that we share that we might not know about.
COWBOY: (In our closet, getting dressed) Tammy, where are all of my white t-shirts that I wear under my Carhart shirts?
ME: Umm. Aren’t they on the shelf where they normally are?
COWBOY: (Standing in front of me shirtless in his wranglers) If they were where they should be, I wouldn’t be asking you about them. So where are they?
ME: (Looking innocent) Wellll, I may have worn them when I was painting the office.
COWBOY: Ok, that’s one, where are the others?
ME: And I wore one when I stained the porch. And it’s quite possible that I wore one when I worked in the yard. Should I continue?
COWBOY: Why would you wear my clothes and not yours?
ME: Because I didn’t want to get paint or dirt on mine. Duh.
COWBOY: So you ruin my clothes?
ME: Yes but only because we’re a sharing family.
COWBOY: And are those my sweatpants that you have on?
ME: Maybe.
COWBOY: (Turning around and throwing his hands in the air while he’s muttering under his breath) This is always one-sided. Every. Single. Time.
ME: (Standing on my tippy toes to speak louder, like that helps) Need I remind you that we are a SHARING FAMILY?!
COWBOY: I’m going to start sharing your stuff with me.
ME: Can I be there to take a picture of you sharing my clothes? Especially my cheetah print tights?
COWBOY: Just wait. Your time is coming.
ME: Blah Blah Blah. We are still a sharing family.
’till next Sunday y’all. Tammyโฅ