In my last blog, I had mentioned three words:
Cowboy & Midlife Crisis
That time in someone’s life where they go thru a crisis of identity or self-confidence that can occur in early middle age.
We have all known a person or two that has experienced it. You know, that person that you haven’t seen in a while and when you do, they have definitely changed something about themselves. A different hairstyle or color, maybe a little botox. Listen people, don’t judge the botox- I’m a junkie! I also love fillers, chemical peels and anything else that the aesthetic world has to offer. But all things in moderation, no one should look frozen 24/7. And you’ll know if you overdid it when your kids can’t tell that you’re frowning at them. Not that I ever frowned at my kids. They are perfect, kind, big hearted AND gorgeous…a mom could go on and on.
Cowboy says botox is one of the many reasons I opened a medspa. Wow, it doesn’t take him long to catch on! He’s one smart cookie! AND he looks good in his wranglers. How did a city girl ever get so lucky?
So back to the identity crisis that Cowboy went thru; BTW Cowboy is 7 years older than me. And boy was that an interesting dinner conversation at my house (but that’s another story). We’ve had friends who purchased shiney new sports cars; a gift to themselves that made them reconnect with the 18 yr old version of themselves. And we’ve also had friends that have done something so out of character that you think, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM?
and then there’s what Cowboy did…
Cowboy came home one day and told me he had purchased a 1981 Jeep Scrambler.
ME: Ummm, I’m sorry did you say you purchased a jeep? A real jeep and not a model jeep that you assemble?
COWBOY: Yes a real one with a real engine and four tires.
ME: You bought a jeep?! Just like that? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Are you going thru a midlife crisis? Most guys your age dye their mustache!
COWBOY: Yes, just like that. I bought a jeep. It was too good of a deal to pass up and they aren’t making that model anymore, so I bought it.
HOLD THE PHONE…do you remember the last deal that was “too good” for Cowboy to pass up? WELL I DO because HE BOUGHT A HOUSE!
Ok, we can look at this two ways: either his “midlife crisis” has made him think more rationally because he ONLY bought a jeep and not another house OR there will be more purchases to come.
I’m going to need to google this so I know what I’m up against.
ME: Dear Google, how long does your husband’s midlife crisis last before he comes to his senses?
GOOGLE: When he runs out of money OR when you hit him over the head with a cast iron skillet.
COWBOY: Where are you going?
ME: To the neighbors to borrow a large cast iron skillet. Til next Sunday ya’ll- Tammy