As young brides enter into marital bliss, we often have a preconceived idea of what being the “perfect wife” is all about. And I, being all of 19 years old, knew every thing there was about this particular subject…every thing! I read books, magazines and spent countless hours of watching re-runs of The Brady Bunch, Ozzie & Harriet and Leave It To Beaver.
Carol, Harriet and June ran their house just like I had envisioned I would and I aspired to be just like them.
Let’s fast forward this conversation to the present…
My perfect house…pfft! Who was I kidding?! My house soon became an episode of the “I Love Lucy” comedy show especially in the kitchen!
My apologies to Carol, Harriet and June. From one mom and wife to another… I have truly let you down.
But my sweet mom always told us kids to not dwell on the past. One must identify her weaknesses and move forward. Weaknesses? Pfft! Let’s just make that word singular. Save the plural version for someone else. Or maybe another story.
Sooo, I decided to think about what “Cowboy’s version” of his “perfect wife” would be.
I’m thinking…I’m thinking…
I got it! I’ll just remind him of my strengths and use the “subliminal message” technique for everything else. I’ll convince Cowboy that whatever his vision of wifely perfection is, I’m the girl for the job… I’m his gal!
I’ll have him thinking that I’m so good to him he’ll forget about my kitchen catastrophes, my dead plant cemeteries (yes there are multiples) and my adoration of changing the paint colors on my walls (he dislikes change…greatly).
ME: (speaking to Mr. Wrangler Man) Would you like a glass of tea?
COWBOY: Yes and what smells so good?
ME: I made you your favorite cake because I’m your perfect wife.
COWBOY: What did I do to deserve this?
ME: You don’t have to “do” anything. I just thought you needed some spoiling. And that’s the plus side of being my husband.
(I was really getting good at the “pat yourself on the back” thing)
COWBOY: You are just too good to me.
ME: I know. And don’t forget I’m your perfect wife.
COWBOY: How could I forget that? I’m pretty sure you remind me daily.
The next morning Cowboy comes to kiss me on the head before he leaves to play with his cows-
COWBOY: Too bad every perfect wife doesn’t wake up with perfect hair.
ME: That is not nice!
’til next Sunday y’all-Tammy