Every couple bonds differently. Some go to the movies, some couples go to dinner, on a vacation OR believe it or not, there are some couples that go grocery shopping together. Grocery shopping? Together? Let me just say that if Cowboy ever suggests that we (as in him and me) should bond over grocery shopping…something bad is about to happen to me. And if I go missing while he “claims” we were filling our grocery cart, I can promise you it is not because we couldn’t agree on which brand of ketchup we should buy. It’s because he has already killed me and left my body on aisle 7.
BUT if grocery shopping is what you do as a couple and it keeps those sparks a flying…do it. DO YOU.
Like the majority of married couples out there, Cowboy and I bond whenever we get the chance. Sometimes it’s on the front porch, or while we watch our newest Netflix addiction. But our best bonding sessions have been by far, those that take place in the bathroom. More specifically when he’s in the shower and I’m soaking in a hot bath full of aromatherapy (my happy place).
I will confess, it doesn’t take long for us to reach our maximum amount of bonding. Now that I think about it… after about 5 minutes he tends to give me short answers. What’s that all about? It’s as if he’s hurrying the conversation. Sometimes he acts like I’m bothering him with too many questions. And it’s beginning to get on my last nerve!
ME: Did you get a lot done today? Did you see your mom and dad? Have you talked to the kids?
COWBOY: Yes, no and yes.
ME: Listen up dude, having a conversation means you have to participate in the conversation. Which means, you talk and I listen, then you listen and I talk. So, let’s try this again.
ME: How was your day?
Umm hum…quality bonding right there folks.
’til next Sunday y’all- Tammy