I was thinking the other day (I promise to stay on track with this story) that there are so many types of relationships. We can have relationships with people (real or imaginary), food (no judging from my end, ask the M&M’s) or things (yes they get a category too).
Things Tammy?
Yes, things. Things like cars, boats, purses or in my case…shoes (or boots). Did I ever tell you about the cheetah print pair of rain boots I scooped up in the London airport? As I was walking from one terminal to the other, I glanced into a boutique and there they were. I swooped in with Cowboy’s credit card in hand and bought those suckers in 30 seconds flat. Pretty proud of myself. It was love at first site.
But, we’ll save that story for another time because today I want to talk about the most important type of relationships. Those with people.
(Laughing to myself) I’m pretty sure that all of my guy readers have just exited the blog and maybe the building, lol.
Let’s get back to it, shall we?
Relationships…those that make our heart smile. Or those that start and end our day with that perfect memory. Or the relationship that is newly beginning and you can’t wait to see where it goes…you know the kind I’m talking about. The “butterflies in your stomach” kind of relationship.
I’m here to tell ya that when I began dating Cowboy those butterflies didn’t just flit, they FLITTERED. And they nearly knocked me over a time or two. It was his walk, his voice and as God is my witness…those Wranglers. Hook, line and sinker. I found myself smack dab in the middle of a relationship.
And, in case you’re wondering, I’ve been “in love” before. I started the “love thing” in second grade. He was the cutest boy in our elementary school. He was my first kiss on the cheek kind of boyfriend. And, I was totally ready to walk down the aisle with him. That second grade love was the real deal. However, his name escapes me. But, this relationship thing that I have going on with Cowboy…totally different. It’s the adult kind (insert heart emoji here).
It got me to thinking about whether or not guys experience that “butterflies in your stomach” feeling.
9:30 pm
ME: (whispering at Cowboy to see if he’s asleep) Psst, are you awake?
No answer. So I poke him.
ME: (whispering louder) I need to ask you a question, are you awake?
COWBOY: (groggily answering) No. I’m sleeping.
ME: I really need to ask you a question.
COWBOY: (rolling over in slow motion, just like the Bionic Man) This question couldn’t wait ’til morning time?
ME: No silly, I’d forget it by then.
COWBOY: Ok, what is the question that just has to be answered and couldn’t wait til’ tomorrow?
ME: Do you get butterflies in your stomach when I’m around you? That feeling of excitement because you’re so in love with me?
COWBOY: It’s either that or gas pains.
Sweet Jesus… he did not just say that to me.
’til next Sunday y’all- Tammy๐