Sometimes a wife needs to let her husband feel like he’s in control, in all aspects of their relationship. We all know it’s a show but he needs it for his ego. And since I’m such an understanding wife, I’ll let Cowboy “control” things every now and again.
COWBOY: (Speaking to me in a serious tone) Tammy, we need to have a conversation about how things are run around this house.
ME: Oh really? What is it about how I run things that you don’t agree with?
COWBOY: When the kids were still at home, I let you become the head honcho but now that they are grown and gone, I need to assume that role again.
ME: Humm.
COWBOY: What are you thinking?
ME: I think that’s a perfect idea!
Well then Mr. Head Honcho, what would you like for dinner?
COWBOY: Whatever you want.
ME: Umm humm…that’s what I thought.
‘Til next Sunday y’all- ๐๐ธ, ๐ฃ๐ช๐ถ๐ถ๐ โฅ