Y’all…I’m in mourning. There’s just no other way for me to see my life at this moment.
Cowboy told me the time would come when our kids would want to plan their own vacations instead of me planning it for all of us. Why would he say such a terrible thing to the mother of his perfect children?
Well…he was right. I have come to the realization that it has happened and this mama bear is sad. I have lost my kiddos to adulthood. And I have lost my “cool mom” status. And I have lost the ability to boss them around. Lol.
They no longer get excited about my pre-planned surprise trips. They no longer allow me to convince them that they’ll have fun doing them with me. Not so much with Cowboy. But definitely with me.
Don’t they know that gift giving is my love language? Don’t they know that just because they are thirty and twenty-eight they should still want to spend their every waking moments with me? Don’t they know that their absence in my life causes me to eat an entire family sized bag of M&Ms?
They have yanked my cheetah print “cool mom” sash right off of my chest. Sniff sniff.
So, I will be wearing black and I will mourn their childhood until my heart begins to smile again or until I run out of M&Ms.
This is all Cowboy’s fault. He spoke it into the universe and now it’s happened.
There’s not a thing I can do except lay on my gaudy couch (per Cowboy) and eat my M&Ms one by one.
COWBOY: (speaking to me as he comes into the living room ) What’s wrong with you?
ME: I’m mourning.
COWBOY: Why? What happened?
ME: The kids don’t want to spend every moment of their lives with me anymore.
COWBOY: I told you this would happen. They’re adults and want their own lives and schedules AND vacations.
ME: This was not supposed to happen so soon! I still fit into my “cool mom” sash!
COWBOY: Tammy, it’s a good thing. We did good with them. You just need to put your big girl panties on.
ME: You know what? You stink at being empathetic!
Cowboy leaves the living room and returns a few minutes later.
COWBOY: (He hands me another bag of M&Ms) Here.
…and then he leaves.
He totally gets me.
But it’s still his fault.
All kidding aside, I am super proud of the adults Boy Wonder, Sweet Girl, Red and Xtina have become and they should be proud too โฅ
’til next Sunday y’all. ๐๐ธ, ๐ฃ๐ช๐ถ๐ถ๐ โฅ