Yep that’s me! Maria Andretti. You thought I misspelled that first name, didn’t ya? This week I’m going to let ya in on a secret… I like to go fast. Roller coasters, talking, driving, riding horses etc. Ok, maybe NOT horses, we all know what happened when I pretended to be a rodeo queen…I STILL haven’t found that darn rhinestone flip flop! But driving…I can totally do! I like to drive a little fast, ok REALLY fast! Not on purpose, it just kinda happens. There’s something about sliding behind a steering wheel. It’s almost as if the car is challenging me. It brings back memories from my teenage years of driving go-carts circa 1980. Those times of being on the go-cart track and getting a whiff of burning rubber… one of my favorite smells. We had so much fun!
September 1987
Once Cowboy and I were married we had a list of things to combine. You know the saying, “When two hearts become 1 so do all of the accounts”. I just made that up…pretty good huh?
So off we go to do all of the financial things that newlyweds do. Our first stop is the insurance company. Cowboy tells them to add me to his auto policy. And, they tell him that after they’ve checked my driving record he might want to reconsider… apparently I had gotten 2 tickets from speeding and that was going to increase his rates. Oh boy…here we go.
We get in the truck to finish up our “to dos”:
COWBOY: Ok princess, let’s talk. What is all of the speeding tickets about? Why don’t you follow the speed limit?
ME: It’s not my fault. The car makes me do it. Besides, it’s only two and I paid them.
COWBOY: Each time you get a ticket, the cost of insuring you increases. We could be spending that money on something else. I’ve only gotten 1 ticket throughout my whole driving career. You have got to slow down!
ME: Cowboy, let me just sum this whole thing up for you: 1. I like to drive fast. 2. You don’t. 3. I like to feel the wind blowing thru my hair. 4. You don’t have much hair. 5. I promise to drive more slowly.
COWBOY: Oh that’s funny. But I’m telling you that if you get too many tickets, they’ll put you on the point system. And you’ll have to pay a surcharge every year until the tickets drop off.
ME: Pfft! You’re making a bigger deal out of this than it needs to be. Just calm down. I’ve got this!
February 2016
COWBOY: Is there something you need to tell me?
ME: Umm, no…is this a trick question?
COWBOY: You might want to check the letter on the counter.
The letter is titled: Texas Department of Motor Vehicles ref: Point System and Penalties.
COWBOY: (chuckling) Welcome to the point system Maria Andretti!
Oh jeez, here we go.
‘Til next Sunday y’all- Tammy