I woke up this morning with this little jingle in my head. I have no idea why. These things just happen to me. I wonder if Cowboy ever wakes up singin about me? Probably so, I can’t imagine him not thinking about me and not belt out a tune like this one. Especially since I am his sunshine (just ask him). He probably has us two-stepping while he’s singin’ to one of his favorite tunes.
Speaking of two-stepping, did I ever tell ya’ll about the time he tried to teach me? For those of you readers that are not from Texas (a big shout out to you, thank you for reading my blog and I love ya lots) the two-step, often called the Texas Two-Step, is a western style dance. It’s kind of like a couples dance but it involves scootin’ across the dance floor. And, you wear boots. And if your boots are sportin rhinestones, then you’ll dance way better! Not really, I totally just made that up. I found out real quick that my feet dance better in stilettos than they do in boots. There’s the jitterbug (makes me think of a lady bug and a rollie pollie rolled into one), the western waltz and let’s not forget the good ole’ cotton-eyed joe. Cowboy tried so hard to teach me the simplest of dances. That dude swung me around in so many circles I didn’t know if my rhinestoned cowgirl boots were pointed in the right direction or not!
But that story is for another time, feel free to sing along to my latest jingle…
Cowboy and Me sittin’ in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.
First came a date, then came another, then came Cowboy meeting my mother.
Next came marriage, then came Sweet Girl and Boy Wonder in a baby carriage.
Cowboy and Me sittin in a tree,
We go together like honey and bees.
Thirty two years later he’s still in one piece…lol.
’til next Sunday y’all, ๐๐, ๐ฏ๐ถ๐๐๐ ๐