In honor of our Texas weather, where one day we’re wearing our Uggs and the next day we’re sporting our daisy dukes, well SOME of us are sporting those, I haven’t worn a pair since giving birth to our Sweet Girl. Some things are meant to stay hidden in the back of a drawer…or closet…or thrown away completely.
So here’s a short conversation I had with Cowboy about the thermostat on a day where the weather started out at 60 degrees, which is a perfect springtime temperature for me and it quickly dropped to 30 degrees, which is just a smidge on the cool side….just a smidge.
COWBOY: (as he’s walking into the kitchen in his sweats, long sleeve tshirt and moccasins) Tammy, did you turn the air conditioner on?
Okay folks, just between you and I, he is one of the smartest men I know. Sooo if he didn’t turn the air conditioner on, I’m pretty sure he can figure out who did. Especially since we’re the only ones living in the house. AND as I’ve shared with you before, this is NOT our first conversation about this subject. AND, just for the record, none of this is my fault. I cannot control my internal temperature gauge.
ME: Umm, is that a trick question?
COWBOY: Why do you do that?
I turn my head and look at him adoringly and THINK to myself…Why do you ask dumb questions?
’till next Sunday y’all- Tammy