Maggie is our canine guard of 4G. Maggie is the sweetest dog ever, she’s Cowboy’s favorite girl, except for me, and that’s only because I gave him our two beautiful, amazing and big hearted kids, and don’t forget I can cook 7 things.
Back to Maggie-
If there’s a jeep ride involved, Maggie’s your gal! She and Cowboy are best buds and go pretty much everywhere together.
Maggie protects us from all of those pesky creatures that can be found at 4G. She takes guarding her home very seriously, especially when the cows get too close to the fence, or the rabbits scurry across the yard and lets not forget the squirrels that taunt her from the trees all day. Maggie has one critter that she invites into our yard monthly, I guess she feels as though she can take a break from her guard post and relax when she sees one… armadillos! Armadillos are a landscaped yard’s worst enemy! Digging and digging until they find that golden root…ugh! So one day I say to my cowboy, “I’m beginning to think you like Maggie more than me. She doesn’t even keep the armadillos out of my yard!” His response was “Yes, well she never complains about anything and always listens to me”.
Well, there ya go!