Every now and then you need to do something that makes you giggle on the inside…just a smidge. Even though you know that it will pester the hell out of the person you’re pestering (like Cowboy), you do it anyway.
After being married for fifty three years like we have, wait, 53? How can that be? Oopsie, darn autocorrect, 33 is the correct years of marital bliss that we have shared. Anyhoo, the point I was trying to make is that couples who have been married as long as we have, have the right to pester one another. However, I will tell you that I am usually on the receiving end of the pestering. I never pester him.
Okay, that’s a big fat lie and since it’s Sunday, I already asked the man above for forgiveness. He told me to say three Hail Mary’s and to do better. I said yes sir, because who am I to argue?
I learned my pestering moves from my Uncle Harry, who was an expert. I’m pretty sure that he authored the first book to be written about the subject. And he said that the best way to pester someone is at the “perfect pestering moment” (yes that’s a thing) it’s on page 28 of his pretend book.
I wanted to share what I thought was a “perfect pestering moment” concerning Cowboy.
Cowboy had been busy building my spa. Which by the way is going to be beautiful and elegant and perfect. He still has no idea how I convinced him to build me another one. He had mentioned in the past that he would never build anything with me again. Like ever! Apparently I’m picky and bossy. But, I thought he was kidding so here we are…building my last spa, heehee.
So back to the “perfect pestering moment”-
Cowboy had been up since the crack of dawn on this particular day. Who am I kidding? He’s up at that time every day. If we had roosters, he would be their alarm saying “rise and shine” it’s time to cock-a-doodle-do. He’s so weird.
He was headed to town to check on the progress at the construction site. I popped in around noon to see if he needed any help from me.
ME: Need any help?
COWBOY: Nope, I’m trying to find you a ladder that you can carry when needed.
ME: Why would I need a ladder? It only ends in a disaster when I use one of those.
COWBOY: (Looking up at the tall ceilings) You’re going to need one to change the a/c filters.
ME: Don’t we have someone to do that? Let’s ask the same person that does it on 4G.
COWBOY: Well, that person would be me and the answer is no. I’ve already stopped at three places on the way here but I couldn’t find you one.
Here’s where the “perfect pestering moment” happens-
ME: That’s okay, I’ll just use yours.
COWBOY: Mine is too heavy. You won’t be able to lift it.
ME: Well then that solves everything, you’ll just have to come and change those filters yourself.
ME: How about you be the filter changer until you find me a ladder? And I would like a beige one please.
COWBOY: No, and a beige what?
ME: (I bend down to pick something off of the floor) Ladder. I want a beige ladder. But don’t be in a hurry to find one in that color. Especially since you’ll be changing the filters.
I stand back up and realize that Cowboy is no where in sight. I look out the window to see him getting in his truck.
I start to giggle…”Perfect pestering moment” right there folks. He has had enough and has left the building. That’s rude of him… but I win.
’til next Sunday y’all- Tammy ๐