Yep, that’s my new label…non-essential. This is me, sitting here all by myself in non-essential quarantine mode. Eating my third pack of M&M’s. God how I love those little morsels of deliciousness. They right all the wrongs in the world. Throw some popcorn in there and I am one happy chickadee.
Let’s talk about this non-essential business malarky. Which by the way, Cowboy jokingly reminds me of daily. Because he is and I’m not…essential that is. Which really chaps my hide.
Sometimes in life you are given an abundance of free “non-essential” time to ponder things. You can take advantage of this free time and be productive like most people do. Productivity that includes crossing off those items on your never ending “to do” lists. Things like sprucing up your house. Tackling those landscaping projects that were added to that list forever ago. Or, organizing your closets, garage and your home office which would make Marie Kondo super proud.
Or you can be like me and use your “non-essential” free time to begin the process of getting to know yourself again. The good, the bad and the ugly truths. Those essential truths that sooner or later will be sitting smack dab in front of you as you’re putting on your poppy red lipstick.
I’m not saying that I have been a stranger to me, myself or I, so let’s be clear about that. I know what makes me happy. I know what makes me sad. I know what my goals in life are, both personally and professionally. But how am I essential…in life?
I decided to make a spreadsheet about this issue (because spreadsheets solve everything) you know exactly where you stand once you reach the end.
So here we go, the good, the bad and the ugly-
Let’s start with positivity, the good things and my essentialness (is that a word?)
I’m essential to my kiddos, because every mother is. I’m essential to the world of beauty and skincare, because that’s what I do. I’m essential to Maja and Faja (my parents) because every parent needs a favorite child (they had five and they chose me…lol). I’m essential to our economy because I’m productive (just not at this moment). I’m essential to my nieces and nephews because they need a “cool aunt”. I’m essential to our Maggie Mae and Sophie Sue because who else would give them their daily dose of dog treats and reward them for going poo outside. I’m essential to the job security for employees at Mars Wrigley Confectionery because they make my beloved m&m’s.
After jotting down all of the above, I decided to pause for a sec and re-read all of the items in the “good” column.
Hummโฆ I realized one thing…..I AM ESSENTIAL !! I needed to share this with Cowboy right away.
ME: (Finding Cowboy napping in Lolita’s arms. I poke him) Hey wake up! I have good news.
COWBOY: (Opening one eyeball) Oh good. I can’t wait to hear about it.
ME: (Showing him my spreadsheet) Look at this. It proves that I am essential!
COWBOY: (Taking the paper, reading and flipping it over to look at the back) Where’s the rest of it.
ME: What do you mean?
COWBOY: You only have one column on here.
ME: I know. I got excited after reading the long list of my essentialness. I haven’t started with the bad and the ugly yet. My mama always told me to start and end with positivity.
COWBOY: Ok. But you did leave one thing off.
ME: (Snatching the list out of his hands) Jeez! I told you, I’m not focusing on how I’m non-essential.
COWBOY: (Standing up to put on his cowboy hat before going outside) Then add this to the essential side.
ME: (Letting out a long breathe) What? What do you want me to add? And you better be nice!
COWBOY: You’re essential because you are my sunshine.
Oh y’all, sniff sniff, I am ESSENTIAL! I sat down and re-opened my laptop to add two words to the “bad” and the “ugly” columns. Just two words. I typed (in shouty capital letters) WHO CARES !
’til next Sunday y’all- Tammy๐