Warning: This post may get mushy.
Today is our day… the day where we mothers are celebrated all over the country! It has become one of my favorite holidays…except for my birthday (and yes I do think of my birthday as a holiday) just ask Cowboy.
Mothers come to us in several ways. Some we are born to, some we are adopted by and some come as a gift when we marry. My mom-in-law is one of the best things about being married to Cowboy (besides his wranglers).
Did you know that Mother’s day became a US holiday in 1914? Even back then mom’s were celebrated for their abundance of love. And here’s a fun fact about me… I knew I wanted to be a mother because of my mom. She is the epitome of strength, selflessness and unconditional love. Which, in my eyes are what being a mom is all about. And listen to my words when I say this….that woman deserves a medal! How one woman can get thru raising hellions such as my brothers without a gray hair on her head? Not one gray hair?! It’s a forever mystery. Thank the lord that my sister and I came along… but mainly me, because I’m her favorite. By the time we entered this earth, my Maja needed some serious sweetness.
So, kuddos to you, Maja, you are my forever role model, my forever cheerleader and I will always thank you for bringing me into this world (insert a heart emoji here).
This Mother’s Day, besides giving thanks to all of you women that have helped shape my life (God will bless you for your patience) I wanted to give thanks to my kids. Those who I gave birth to and those who were gifted to me via marriage and relationships. I have opened my heart to each of you and you have filled it with precious memories…thank you. Thank you for allowing me to love on you and thank you for my memories (insert heart emoji here).
’til next Sunday y’all- Tammy