As I mentioned last Sunday, when Cowboy and I returned from our honeymoon our house was turned upside down, sideways and any other way you can think of! It had been hijacked by his friends and his brother AND they had really outdone themselves. Yep, they sure did. If our friends are reading this, AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE…bravo, great job!
They had put our bedroom in the living room. Our kitchen was in the bedroom. They had unscrewed every light bulb in the house…EVERY LIGHT BULB!! It took a week to get everything back to normal… so thanks again guys! Really appreciate that little joke.
One night after work, I was making a batch of cheese dip (Cowboy’s caviar) and realized that the can of rotel tomatoes was actually a can of corn. I reread the label thinking I mistakenly grabbed the wrong can. Nope, it definitely was labeled rotel tomatoes. I told Cowboy to come into the kitchen. I showed him the cans and he chuckled as he shook his head. He knew exactly what happened…the curse of the hijacked house continues…those darn guys had removed EACH and EVERY label and changed them. Shame on them for being so sneakingly creative and trying to sabotage my culinary abilities.
Once we figured out the canned goods situation, I felt sure that I could continue in my role as the culinary queen. Each week I would attempt a new recipe from one of my 7 cookbooks only to have the meal end in a disaster. These meals were so bad that IF we had a canine companion, it would have run away backwards with it’s tail tucked.
One weekend when Cowboy was hunting I packed a bag and headed to mom’s house with recipe books in tow. I needed to know what the heck I was doing wrong and I knew if anyone could help me, it was my sweet mom. We chose the recipes, shopped for the groceries and began cooking.
We chopped, sliced and diced our way thru the recipes in no time flat!! Betty Crocker didn’t have anything on us! Except we didn’t wear aprons.
Dear Lord, I promise if these meals are edible, I will wear an apron…from now on…but only if it’s cheetah print.
Well to our surprise, and believe me, we were both very surprised! Each and every recipe turned out delicious!
ME: Wow mom! These are really good! I don’t know how I could have messed them up so badly.
MOM: You didn’t substitute anything? You used the same amount of ingredients and the same spices?
Why does everyone keep asking if I substituted anything? First Cowboy and now mom…jeez! It’s not like I’ve done it before… ok, maybe just a few times.
ME: No maam, I used the same spices as we did today. OMG… the spices. Its the spices! They hijacked the spices too!
Cowboy returns from his hunting trip and I share my discovery.
ME: They not only switched the canned good labels but they changed my spices as well.
COWBOY: (Chuckling) I figured we had a few more surprises to find.
ME: My mom and I made those same recipes that I had made before and they all turned awesome! You have no idea how relieved I am to find out it wasn’t my cooking after all! I can’t wait to try more recipes!
COWBOY: Let’s not get too excited, let’s just concentrate on those 7.
ME: Don’t squash my culinary abilities dude! There’s a world of recipes waiting for me to try them.
COWBOY: Let’s just say that cooking is not your strongest attribute. But you sure are pretty.
ME: Listen up Cowboy…I will stick to those 7 recipes. I will make them from scratch and I will not substitute anything. But only because you said I was pretty.
’til next Sunday ya’ll- Tammy