Ok looky here, Cowboy figured out a long time ago that I tend to “do things” while he’s away on one of his hunting trips. Maybe I’ll get a chemical peel or maybe I’ll paint a room. Or, I’ve even been known to remodel some part of the house. Like say, a bathroom. What a job that was! I had HGTV on lockdown and got busy taking out cabinets and knocking holes in walls. I looked like Edward Scissorhands with a hammer. You should have seen me getting the drywall, paint AND nails out of my hair. Sweet Jesus, is it necessary for one person to have so much hair?
But, as my mama says, I’ve been blessed with a mane and I should not complain. (That totally rhymed). Lol.
So, besides doing a little sprucing up every now and again, my other favorite thing to do is shop for that perfect accent piece for 4G. The goal is to always, always, always have it delivered, unwrapped and staged so it looks as if it’s been there a while. Let’s face it, most guys (except my brothers) do not pay attention to those things. And, as long as Cowboy’s recliner (Lolita) is where he likes it, life is good and none the wiser.
Cowboy was heading out on another hunting trip for the weekend. As he was getting in his truck, he said to me.
COWBOY: (Looking sternly at me) No changes to the house please.
ME: (Looking sheepish) Why would you say that?
COWBOY: (Chuckling) Yeah, ok. You know exactly why I said that.
I watched his truck cross the cattleguard and immediately hopped in my car and headed to town to peruse my favorite furniture store.
I’m greeted by my name once I enter thru the doors. Which I realized might be a problem if Cowboy ever shops with me here.
SALESPERSON: Hi Mrs. Gilbert, what are you decorating today?
ME: This time it’s for me. I’m needing a sofa table. Something unusual that makes a statement.
SALESPERSON: We just got a truck in with a beautiful piece of wood. We all thought of you when we unloaded it. Let me show you.
She walked me over to the new arrival and holy cow! Y’all it was the most beautiful sofa table made from a tree, I’m talking roots and all! It will be perfect at 4G.
ME: I’ll take it.
SALESPERSON: I thought so, I’ve already typed up the invoice for you. Same delivery instructions as last time? We have to arrive before your husband, correct? Sunday by 2:00?
ME: You got it.
She laughed and said, no problem. We’ll make it happen.
Sunday arrives and at 12 o’clock sharp the delivery guys are at the gate. Perfect timing. I’ll have enough time to get it in the house and decorated before Cowboy gets home.
I’m so excited and can’t wait to see it in the living room (hand clap, hand clap). I open the gate for the delivery truck to come thru and you are not going to believe who’s coming in right behind them…
It’s Cowboy…
Shoot! He’s wasn’t due back for a couple more hours.
ME: Umm, hi honey, you’re home early.
COWBOY: I see you’ve been busy. What’s in the delivery truck?
ME: (Speaking with a low tone) Oh, umm, it’s the table I told you about before you left. Remember?
COWBOY: Don’t recall that conversation at all.
ME: You must have dozed off when I mentioned it to you.
COWBOY: Humm. You just can’t help yourself, can you?
ME: I try really hard to listen to you but sometimes when you speak it sounds like blah blah blah.
’til next Sunday ya’ll- 𝔁𝓸, 𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓶𝔂❥