This Is Our Story-
I first met Cowboy when I was 19 and he was 26. My boss at the time decided to play matchmaker and he told me he gave my number to a certain person. As he described this person, I said to him “are you crazy?” He’s too old for me! He continued to say that he is smart, well respected and said he comes from a good family.
Well isn’t that great! A blind date set up by your boss. This could only end horribly. He sounds like a total nerd that probably wears a pocket protector and toupee… ugh!
The next day he calls to invite me to lunch.
Not that I was putting too much stock in this blind date business but of all days for Mother Nature to throw us a shower. My hair was a huge frizz ball of a mess and growing by the minute.
So there I was, sitting at my desk waiting for him. The door chimes and I look up to greet the person who had just walked in. Sweet Jesus! When I looked up I saw a cowboy hat, boots and the best fitting Wranglers on any human. This dude was no joke!
So I had to say a quick prayer…
Please Jesus let this be my blind date. I promise to say my prayers every night twice if this could just be him.
HIM: Hi Tammy, are you ready for lunch?
ME: Absolutely, YES!!
Full confession y’all…
I may have peeked at his jeans as he was opening the door for me. Okay that’s a lie… I gawked at his butt for a hot second and I’m here to tell ya that his Wrangler patch was perfectly placed on his derriere. Kuddos to you “Rodeo Ben” for designing them. All of us ladies sure do appreciate it (insert heart emoji here).
I decided right then and there that I would name him Cowboy and he would be mine forever.
♥♥ Tammy + Cowboy = Love forever ♥♥
Thirty plus years later this is what I know:
Cowboy is a simple, honest man.
He loves me.
His handshake is his word.
He believes in God.
He loves me.
He loves his family.
He is the most loyal of friends.
He loves me.
He’s proud of his kids.
He loves me.
He’s a hard worker.
He still wears those wranglers and he still loves me… a lot. ♥ 𝓍𝑜, 𝒯𝒶𝓂𝓂𝓎♥