I don’t know about other women but when I have car trouble, my first call is to my husband. It doesn’t matter if its a flat tire, a rattle in my engine or a squeaky windshield wiper, I pick up the phone and dial Cowboy’s flip phone.
Lately he seems to be getting just a smidge annoyed with me and my phone calls that pertain to my car. I wonder why that is? I get the feeling that he thinks I should be taking care of these issues myself. What is that all about and why would he think that?
BC (before Cowboy) if I had car issues I would call my sweet Dad or one of my brothers. They were my first responders and never seemed to get annoyed with me on these matters. However, they have mentioned before that I’m terrible when it comes to describing the noise that the car is making. And, I’m pretty sure I managed to annoy them with other matters.
Like the time I would charge each of my brothers a dollar to keep their secret of sneaking out of the house. How else was I going to earn money for my cheetah print shoes? They kept sneaking out and I kept buying shoes. It was a win-win in my book, but that’s another story.
The way I see it is if I didn’t annoy my Dad or my brothers with all of my car issues then I shouldn’t annoy Cowboy. So he just needs to learn to deal with it.
ME: (Speaking to Cowboy as he’s coming in from feeding (or counting) the cows) My car is making a weird noise.
COWBOY: (Looking annoyed…already) What kind of noise?
ME: I don’t know, maybe a rattle rattle kerrplunk kind of noise.
COWBOY: Here we go again. You’re not very good at mimicking what it really sounds like.
ME: (Getting annoyed myself) You know what? Since you’re being so moody, I’ll just take it to our mechanic and he can help me.
COWBOY: (Chuckling) Okay. You just do that.
The next day, I get up bright and early to get to the mechanic’s shop-
ME: Hi John (his name has been changed to protect him from other wives whose husbands get annoyed with them).
JOHN: Hi Tammy, what can I do for ya?
ME: My car is making a rattle rattle kerrplunk noise and my husband is refusing to help me with it.
JOHN: (Scratching his head) A rattle rattle kerrplunk noise huh?
ME: Yes, rattle rattle kerplunk and maybe a brrr noise too.
JOHN: Can you have your husband call me?
For the love of God….seriously?
’til next Sunday y’all- ๐๐ธ, ๐ฃ๐ช๐ถ๐ถ๐ โฅ