As I cross the cattle guard and head towards memory lane (get it? Cross the cattle guard?) lol. Gosh, sometimes I can get really creative. Super proud of myself for that one.
Anyhoo, I was having dinner with my sweet daughter-in-law (Red) last night and on my drive home I started to think about how blessed we are to have her in our family. I was also thinking of how gorgeous that girl is, from her beautiful red hair to her beautiful heart. She’s a keeper. Forever and ever.
It also reminded me of a story from the archives that I think you’ll enjoy-
Cowboy loves red hair. He has an undeniable sweet spot for it. He loves it almost as much as he loves me. I came to realize his love for red hair on date #7. Okay, I really don’t remember when I realized this, but, simply put…he loves the color red…on hair.
Last time I looked in the mirror, my reflection came back as a blonde. So I’m not sure what his immediate attraction to me was except maybe my winning personality. Yes that’s probably it… I’m so personable. Heehee.
Back to this story-
I’m about as far from a redhead as they come. I have mountains of blonde hair Sometimes when I first wake up, I resemble a cutip. My hair is going every which way except the right way.
Cowboy generally leaves the house before I do. And, sometimes he just can’t pass up the opportunity to whisper in my ear “Good luck with your hair today”. Seriously? Is that even necessary? A big kuddos to my hair stylist. She earns every penny that I charge to Cowboy’s credit card that he doesn’t know I have. (Calm down Cowboy, I’m only teasin).
ME: (Speaking to him) Don’t forget, I have a hair appointment today after work.
COWBOY: Will you come home as a red head?
ME: I hate to disappoint you again but this hair is staying blonde.
COWBOY: Well… I love you anyway.
ME: Umm, thanks?